Your Safety and Comfort is Our Priority
The Elite Browns studio is certified and licensed, we deliver the most comfortable and safe procedure around. We take the time to numb you before, during, and after your appointment so you fee little to now pain.
Following after care instruction is very crucial to the success of your microbladed eyebrows. Do not let any water touch your eyebrows for a long period of time (quick rinse 30 minutes after the procedure is okay). Do not let any lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 7 days after your procedure.
Immediately after, the area will be EXTREMELY dark and get darker over the next 2 days as a scab forms in the area. 30-50% of your pigment will be in the scabs. Over the next 7-14 days your scabs should flake off bit by bit. Some people scab in light flakes and some develop a thick scab.
Everybody is different, but whatever you do, do NOT pick at the scabs and make sure you read through and follow the AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS properly to obtain the best results. If the scabbing phase is not over by 14 days, please continue your Aftercare instructions until scabs are completely gone.
After the scabbing phase is over, you will see that the color of your pigment appears foggy and muted in color because a layer of skin has grown over the pigment to seal it in. Not to worry, over the next several weeks your skin will regenerate and the pigment will be more vibrant in color. The complete healing process takes at least 5-6 weeks which is when the true orientation of the pigment will show.
For most people, there shouldn’t be too much of a problem going to work or being out in public, as long as you’re good at following aftercare instructions. However, some people may develop thicker scabs and have minor swelling. You may take an Advil or apply an icepack after your treatment to reduce swelling and discomfort.
- 30 minutes after the treatment, RINSE the eyebrows with neutral soap or cold water. Remove all the lymph that may appear on the eyebrows. After that apply a very thin layer of (after care cream).
- Use a fresh pillowcase while you sleep.
- IMPORTANT to avoid sleeping on your face or side for the first 10 days.
- In the next 7 days, maintain facial hygiene and apply the (cream after care) for 2-3 times a day, (after care cream) can be used on all skin types, due to its natural active components that regulate oiling.
- Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning/tanning beds for 4 weeks. Wear a hat when outdoors
- Avoid face down swimming, lakes, jacuzzis, for the first 10 days.
Prior To Your Appointment
- Do NOT DRINK ALCOHOL or CAFFEINE before the procedure (at least 24hrs for alcohol)
- Do NOT TAKE ADVIL or other blood thinners such a Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hrs prior to your procedure. Extra strength Tylenol can be taken if you have low pain tolerance.
- If you have recently tanned this will affect the outcome of the healed color.
- If you’ve had laser removal of previous work done by someone else, the treated area has now more scar tissue and can affect the outcome of the result. More treatments may be necessary to have the skin take the color.
- Injectable cosmetic procedure should be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the procedure.
- Avoid exercising the day of procedure as this will open up the pores.
- Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
- No waxing or tinting 3 days before
- It usually takes 2 appointments for desired results. The first appointment is about structure, design, and building hairstrokes. the touchup is about seeing how the skin heals and retains pigment, as well as making any necessary adjustments to achieve better symmetry and volume.
- Immediately following your procedure, the tattooed area will appear to be darker and bolder in color and more sharply defined. Over the next 2 days it will appear even darker and thicker as scabs begin to form. Let the scabs naturally flake off bit by bit. It will take up to 14 days for scabbing to be over.
- You may gently rinse your eyebrows with water or shower. However, DO NO soak your eyebrows in water for a long period of time such as taking a long shower with water directly onto your eyebrows for more than 5 minutes or swimming. You may not apply any kind of products (except for ointment) for at least 10 days after.
- NO makeup on the eyebrows area for 2 weeks.